Monday, September 14, 2009

September Fifteen 2009

Bench Press
Four rounds of
50 squats
Post weights and time to comments.
Why we Train
It's like Coach Glassman says:
"I have this fear that modern medicine will allow us to live until we are 150 years old, but we still enter the nursing home at 75. The second half of our life will be spent watching Oprah, getting fed by a spoon and having our asses wiped for us.
I want people to live past their 90's, without the need of 'assisted living facilities', able to carry their groceries up stairs (a bag in each hand), still frisky in the sack, and if some one tries to mug them at the ATM, the would be robber gets knocked to the ground and a foot on his throat for his trouble."


  1. 120 Bench and 14:3 something on the workout I think I remember. My legs didnt want to move on the last two runs...

  2. 100 bench, 13:14 for run/squats... yeah, my right leg temporarily stopped working on the 2nd run
