Thursday, June 4, 2009

June 5, 2009

Lots of Handstand practice and Handstand push up attempts

4 rounds of
50 squats
100 ft. walking lunge
15 pullups

Post time and subs to comments.

On June 20, the workout will be run 5k for the metrically challenged that's 3.1 miles. There will be no workout at the gym. I would like to see you at the "Beat the Heat 5K" in Byrd Park. You can sign up at the link on the right side of this page. There is a kids run and it benefits the firefighters of the Richmond Fire Department. It is relatively cheap and you get a shirt. If you don't want to run the race but still want to do the workout go to: and make your own 5k course.

On the dietary front, I tried the Zone Diet for two weeks. It has too many carbs for me; I felt like crap. Now I am on 150-185g protein per day and less than 100g carb per day and fat be damned (meaning I don't care how much fat I eat, as long as it comes from mostly animal sources like butter, bacon grease, whole milk) I shoot for at least 2,500 calories per day and should probably eat more, but that is difficult. No grains, no sugar as little processed crap as possible.

I've been keeping track of everything I put in my mouth for a few days here: if you are interested. My goal is to be leaner (meaning achieve six-pack abs over 40 years old, never having had them before) Narcissistic I know, sue me.


  1. 12.55, pull ups w/ 2 bands. i'm going for virgin six pack abs too :)

  2. 18:36 3 bands
    Made some bad choices today that affected my performance greatly! Imagine that!

  3. Oh and i love that I can see just what you put in your mouth everyday!

  4. Jumping pullups, really struggled with this work out as with all the others. 21:20
    I'll get there though
    Sherrie Evans

  5. 12:45 as rxed worked the handstand pushup a bit before hand.
