Sunday, June 28, 2009

June 29,2009

Warm-up good; this one isn't going to be pretty.

For time:
100 Squats
30 Box Jumps
30 swings 45+ (m) 35+ (w)
30 Sit-ups
30 Power cleans @ 95 (m) 65 (w)
30 Burpees
30 Wall-ball shots
800 meter run

Post time and weights used to comments


  1. 21:40- as rxed
    used a 24kg kettle bell, 65lbs for power cleans, and 20lbs for wall-ball shots

  2. 21:43, 35 lb swings, 65 lb cleans, 15 lb for wall ball. Hit me next time I say wall ball shots aren't bad

  3. I feel like I should get a DNF like when a jockey falls off the race horse. This killed me.....33.00 minutes or so....

    - the slow fat guy
