Friday, June 19, 2009

June 19, 2009

With a continuously running clock do 2x number of pushups by the minute on the minute until you cannot complete the number of reps within the current minute; up to 20 minutes.

Rest 5 minutes

Then use the same protocol for squats at 3x the minute.

For example, Minute 1=2 pushups, Minute 2=4 pushups, Minute 10=20 pushups, and so on.
If at minute 15 you cannont complete 30 pushups you are done.

Squats are the same except 3x the minute.

Correct form is King, make every rep perfect.

Post rounds completed to comments.


  1. completed 10 rounds of push-ups, 15 of squats....last man standing isn't as lonely as some may say ;)

  2. performed 12 rounds of pushups and 12 rounds od squats.
